About Us

Welcome to The Dipti Foundation (DF)

Poverty Alleviation and Empowering Marginalize Community People.


Creating a just society, where everybody respective of their caste, creed, sex, religion, social or political affiliation will live in peace and harmony under the bond of universal value of love and compassion manifested by our God.

A transformed community will live together with dignity, equity, justice, peace and hope.


Building the capacities of individuals, families and communities to reach their full potential, mental, moral, social and economic well being through a participatory, just and sustainable development process.

Core Values

“Love your neighbor as yourself” – James 2:8


The objectives of DF are to render a wide range of professional services to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the country. These are:

  1. To assist in the development initiative through community group for socio-economic development; especially for disadvantage community people i.e. differently able people, old aged, children, women.
  2. To adopt and implement necessary humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation activities and projects for the people affected by natural or man-made disasters. To take necessary and appropriate programs to mitigate climate induce disaster through community-based DRR programs. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
  3. To encourage young people to be community volunteers and train them in their roles for the society and also to engage or link with national and international volunteers’ groups for betterment of volunteerism.
  4. Establish community base organizations e.g. school, orphan homes, clinic, hospital etc. for betterment of most vulnerable community people.
  5. Creating opportunities for involving resource-poor underprivileged community in resource management, bio-diversity conservation of micro environment and sustainable agriculture practices and optimum resource extraction.
  6. Enabling resource poor communities to sustain their livelihood through improved production technology, access to market outlets, enhancing productivity of resource base and human labor.
  7. Building up capacity of the underprivileged community to ensure good governance and conserve human rights through social movement, policy advocacy and institutional linkage.
  8. To undertake humanitarian support and effective response to any devastating situation which occurs in the area of the vulnerable affected community; so they will be better able to cope with and adapt to shocks.
  9. To help combat social problems like dowry, polygamy, and early marriage etc through empowering women in their families and community through engaging in economic sectors, ensure rights, freedom from violence and their access to and influence within, social and political space.
  10. To promote advocacy, lobby and seek alliances for policy formulations and behavioral changes of relevant organizations and institutions and of the poor and disadvantaged population in Bangladesh.
  11. Sensitize the local community to conservation of the micro environment and sustainable agriculture practices.

To develop a training center with proper accommodation facilities for providing training staff, project stakeholders or development partners’ for developing their capacity and skill in development areas.


“To improve the quality of life of the economical and socially disadvantaged families in the community through involvement of the members, especially the women, disabled and old aged member of these families in development programs and thereby establish an improved and flourishing transformed neighbor community”.


Dipti Foundation (DF) is a non-political, non-profit, non-government organizations working not only for poverty alleviation and empowering marginalize community people through providing resources but also promoting human rights, education, health education, working and supporting for good governance and rule of law in the society since 1999. Rev. Salman Sowpan Boss started this organization through flood 1998 response project. From 2018 it has been re-structure its’ general body and executive board and reformation its’ strategy. The formation of this voluntary, charitable, relief and development organization had its root in Dhaka; when the country affected by any natural disaster DF stand for the affected poor community people to save their lives and livelihoods.

DF’s plan activities have a range of services which include socio-economic development, WASH, creation care, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, livelihoods, child sponsorship, psychosocial support through counseling, empowerment and various capacity building programs. DF thrust the protection of environment and creating resilient community are the most priority work for the vulnerable to the disaster & climate change. Its services that have ensured the wellbeing and improved living of people, infected and affected community, are acknowledged by all.

Our Strategy

  • To be built community people as human resource; especially children and women from marginalize community.
  • Conserving human rights and promoting good-governance,
  • Building up peoples’ organization and leadership development,  To develop community owned and managed institutions to sustain the livelihood activities
  • Consider gender, Equity and Environment as integral issues.
  • To established neighborhood community by increasing efficiency and effectiveness
  • To create safe home place through Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Response program. 
  • To develop community based models for natural resource management in order to protect and use the resources for sustainable development
  • To work in collaboration with the government and the industry along with non government domestic and international development organizations

Our Guiding Principles

Dipti Foundation is belief that to empowering the marginalized poor people of Bangladesh need to improve their social status through economic and educational conditions. The following Guiding Principles DF is execution of its Mission:

  • DF’s commitment is to people in under-served communities in Bangladesh. The organization works to maintain trust, foster community participation and remain accountable to beneficiaries.
  • DF operates in accordance with the four major humanitarian principles:
  • Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed whenever it is found. The purpose of humanitarian action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.
  • Neutrality: Humanitarian actors must not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
  • Impartiality: Humanitarian action must be carried out on the basis of need alone, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress and making no distinctions on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinions.
  • Operational Independence: Humanitarian action must be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actors may hold with regard to areas where humanitarian action is being implemented.

Target Groups: DF’s target group is always the marginalized community people, most disadvantaged segments of the society especially women, children and calamity-stricken people.

Management: Any adult citizen of Bangladesh engaged in any profession and with initiative and enthusiasm for social welfare is eligible to become 15 members of DF General Body. General members elect a five-members as Executive Committee for a period of two-years from amongst themselves in accordance with procedures specified in the Constitution.

The Executive Committee formulates the policies and appoints an Executive Director/ Program Director who are full time staffs of the organization responsible for execution of the policies. He is supported by a group of committed and professional staffs. The Program Director being the Chief Executive Officer of the organization is also the member-secretary of the Executive Committee and is the linkage between policy formulation and execution.

Organizational Structure of the Society

General Board (Honorably member of Society) > Executive Board (President/Chairman & members) >  Director (Paid worker) > Program Staff (Paid worker)

Program principle/thematic area:

  1. Integrated Approach: Addressing community needs through implementation of Integrated Community Development program. Dipti Foundation (DF) hopes that community groups (Somity) will act as Transforming Change Agent in their communities by initiating and continuing the development effort.
  2. Awareness: The awareness Issues has been discussed in community group on Good Governance, Land Rights for Landless People’s Women & Child Trafficking Issues, Child Marriage & Dowry Prevention, Human Women & Child Rights & Vulnerable Group Development.
  3. Economic development: Community group will be started self-help group and micro credit approach for their economic development. DF will build their capacity on leadership, account management to keeping all savings and IGA accounts. As an integrated income generation project for slum dwellers and urban poor particularly women of Dhaka City, to bring the poor especially the women in the mainstream of the development and create wide employment opportunities with special emphasis on income generating activities through providing credit and encouraging savings.
  4. WASH: DF has planned to take appropriate program on safe water supply, sanitation system and hygienic practice to ensured 100% sanitation in the program area on availability of fund
  5. Child Rights and Protection program: DF has planned to start Child Sponsorship Program for the Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children in the national building by providing care, support and protection through shelter, food and education.
  6. Vocational skill training program: Organization has planned help the unemployed youth (Male & Female) to build their capacity through vocational skill training for get involve them with any IGA or job creation activities in their native community.
  7. Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment & humanitarian response: (Relief/Charity): Organization has mended to play humanitarian role due any natural calamity on the availability of fund. To save the environment of our country; organization has planned to work on DRR&CCA as a cross cutting issue of every projects
  8. Women Empowerment: DF has been very much concern about the empowerment of women. DF strongly believes that economic emancipation of the women can make them empowered which may also help to establish their social status. Keeping this reality in mind, DF has been working with most of the urban and rural poor women.
  9. Participation: People’s participation is a very crucial part of program operation as it creates ownership among them which is essential to make the program sustainable. DF tries to involve project participants at all stages of project circle for long term sustainability.
  10. Poverty Reduction: Poverty reduction is one of the major thematic areas of DF’s program operations and a lion share of the fund is utilized in micro credit program towards poverty alleviation by generating income and improving living standard of the target people.
  11. Promoting inclusion of Person with Disabilities: The Governance, inclusion of Person with Disabilities and Human Rights are correlated. DF has been working in this field in view of promoting human rights, inclusion of Person with Disabilities and good governance by raising awareness among the marginalize & minority people and strengthening legislative system of the country through bridging the gap between civil society and legislative organ. Promoting the inclusion of disability issues in all areas of development.
  12. Advocacy and Networking: Under this thematic area, DF always tries its best for advocating the issues of public interest influencing policy makers/stakeholders through lobbying, seminar, workshop, forming alliance and networking at local, regional and national level.

Recently accomplished Project: 2020-202

  1. COVID-19 Emergency Response Project – Food and Hygiene items distribution in Rangpur and Dinajpur district.
  2. COVID-19 Response Project – Hygiene items distribution in Cox’sBazar district
  3. Livelihood support project (LSP) Project – Blanket and Sewing machine distribution in Cox’sBazar district for the Rohingya and Host community.
  4. Awareness on COVID 19 health safety and psychosocial counseling in Dhaka.

Running project of the organization:

  1. Women Empowerment and Capacity Building Project.
  2. Vocational Skill Training for the Youth Empowerment Program
  3. “Accelerating Livelihoods Options for the poor” –(Handloom production)
  4. Child Rights and Protection Program
  5. Microfinance Program.
  6. DRR&CCA Project
  7. Disability Inclusion Program
  8. Subarnajatra- Golden Journey to Bangladesh.