Our Child Sponsorship Program

We can connect you with all our 1000 school dropout students, each of whom can inspire you through their vividly challenging daily-life stories and their desperate efforts for a better future! And you can inspire them by supporting at least one of our students’ monthly education cost of BDT 2,125 (USD 25) through our Child Sponsorship program.

Our child sponsorship programs include community-based supports that benefit all children and their families, focused on the following core areas:


Nutrition: In-school breakfasts and lunches, supplemental and emergency feeding programs fill hungry tummies. Nutrition education and nutritional status monitoring help parents and caregivers provide the basics required for healthy development.

Education: Future income rises by five to 25% for boys, and more for girls, for every year of school attained. From classroom supplies, uniforms and school fees to teacher training and community awareness-raising, investing in education is the best way to break the poverty cycle.

Clean water and sanitation: Access to clean water and hygiene item is critical to preventing coronavirus, childhood illness and mortality rates, and help children stay strong, healthy and in school.

Family and Community Support

Family & community support: Creating income generation opportunities and building capacity in the community for self-sufficiency provides the means for long-term, sustainable social change.

Our Mission:

Mainstreaming the Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children in the national building by providing care, support and protection through shelter, food and education is our mission.


“Love and Care”


One of the needed than any other is money. In order to runs of its organization. Currently, Shelter run of various restorative work, ranging from the three homes, community work and five refugee school. Ideas for the information to include here are:

  • Sponsor Shelter’s fixed, operating expenses such as rent, water and electricity bills and interest access
  • Organizations or individual child by sponsoring a child and give them a bright future.

Food and living expenses pocket money and other needs, personal clothing and medical expenses and last but not least school fees tuition and education materials etc.


  • To provide orphan, semi orphan, and street children, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become useful members of the society.
  • To encourage orphan, semi orphan, and street children to kindle their potential by providing creative opportunities.
  • To make available a secure place where orphan, semi orphan and street children can play and enjoy their childhood.
  • To provide basic education to the orphan, semi orphan, and street children.
  • To provide such welfare services as free lodging, boarding, health, and recreation
  • To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study further
  • To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own legs
  • To accomplishing physical, intellectual, and aesthetic development of the children

Helping poor children’s education and livelihood in selected communities of poor Bangladesh

Child sponsorship is a vital lifeline for many vulnerable young children. In Bangladesh, there are numbers of children who do not have the loving support of a family. Children whose only shelter is a piece of plastic sheeting or a cardboard box, living day to day with the risk of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.


Our Child sponsorship program changes the lives of children in some of the most deprived communities in Bangladesh. With your help, we can ensure that they receive an education, food, healthcare, medical support, and the loving care that any child needs. These are the basics that millions of children are deprived of and where your contributions mean that they are looked after and given hope for the future.


With your monthly donated BDT 2,125, you will be helping a child-in-need getting a new school uniform, new school bag & necessary school supplies. Not only that, included in this BDT 2,125 is the cost of the weekly nutritious meal and basic medications that we try to ensure in all our children greatest need. Your monthly contribution also enables us design and run multiple co-curricular activities all throughout the year!

Your contribution however small it seems to you help us bigtime operate all our poor children in Bangladesh